
Showing posts from 2012

An open letter to CM, UP Government

To, Mr. Yadav, CM, UP Government Dear Akhilesh sir, Mathura, city of Lord Krishna is known for pilgrimage, temples, education and sculpture. Krishna, lord of love & devotion resides in every particle of Brij. One who believe in Krishna wish to live with Him to feel His presence and to show one’s devotion to Him. Many of His follower Indian rulers and land lords built temples, dharmshala, education institutions in Brij region. They have given land to these temples & institution to manage these afterwards. We all know that Krishna used to offers flowers to Radha and flower which Radha like most was ‘Kadamb’ [Neolamarckia cadamba]. There were series of kadamb tree in and around Mathura and specially Mathura Kadambkhandi and Mathura - Baleo road had thousands of Kadamb trees. I can still visualize series of Kadamb tree on Mathura baldeo road (both side of road). That hundreds of old, full of flower & monkeys. Due to various reasons, road widening, expressway ...

Ugly face of society – The situation of widows in Vrindavan

Ugly face of society – The situation of widows in Vrindavan Mathura, city of Lord Krishna is known for pilgrimage, temples, education and sculpture. Krishna, lord of love & devotion resides in every particle of Brij. One who believe in Krishna wish to live with Him to feel His presence and to show one’s devotion to Him. Many of His follower Indian rulers and land lords built temples, dharmshala, education institutions in Brij region. They have given land to these temples & institution to manage these afterwards. Bhajanashram is one of the kind of public institution (attached to temple or mutt), where people offer their prayers to Lord in form of Bhajan & Satsang. Devotees of Krishna, who want to spend their life in Braj used to stay here until death. There are poor, widows and lower class of society people too, who are migrated from different region of India stay in Bhajanashram & Vidhwashram. What is Bhajanashrams & how it run? Bhajanasram are part ...